2020: A flashback

Photo by Evie Shaffer on Pexels.com Honestly, I don’t have any intention to write about the flashback in 2020 or the new year’s resolution because It’s a little bit cliché. As I am getting older, I feel enough with the new year’s resolution which I can’t promise myself to stick on it. This year, I... Continue Reading →

It’s my weakness

What’s making me feel anxious? Hmmm…it’s an embarrassing thing and maybe my weakness point but yeah, you can think of this as a confession. Maybe I have greater anxiety than other people do. Then, what’s making me feel anxious? It is a rejection. I always feel anxious whenever I ask something to someone or try... Continue Reading →

Memories of my 20s(?)

This post should have posted two days ago, but I had to do something two days ago and I couldn’t write it so, I posted it today. The topic was about the most memorable experience. I find it difficult to choose my most memorable experience so, I prefer to tell you about my memorable experiences... Continue Reading →

Job priority: Salary vs Passion

Let me take a deep breath… Today’s topic is job priority: salary vs passion. Hmmm… This is a complicated topic and maybe my problem for now. If I have to choose between those two priorities, I don’t know what should I choose. I don’t know what’s my priority and maybe it’s not about those two... Continue Reading →

My leisure activity

I have several ways to spend my leisure time such as do hand lettering, read books, watch movies, clean my room, bathroom, or refrigerator, and of course sleep. Sleep is my number one preference hehehe. I even had slept for more than ten hours a day and after that, I had a headache. Sometimes sleep... Continue Reading →

My plastic usage

In my opinion, plastic usage is the closest environmental issue in our daily life. There’s no day without plastic especially for people who have an instant lifestyle. Shop in supermarkets, food stalls, flavored drinks stalls, fashion stores, and other places. All those places use a plastic bag to pass the product to the customer. As... Continue Reading →

I miss my childhood

Am I an adult now? Maybe yes, but I think no. I am still a teenager. Since I have the past 20 years, I felt the world has become wilder. As I am getting older, my mind becomes complicate. I have been thinking more and more about something. What if I do this or that?... Continue Reading →

Illegal building and Eviction

Honestly, I regret to have proposed today’s topic. I thought it would be useful if the topics for #30dayswritingchallenge involve issues around us. But, maybe I am not sensitive enough to recognize the issues around me. And again, I don’t have any idea. Today’s topic is about solutions for social problems. The ideas that came... Continue Reading →

They say I am flat

Today's topic is my unique side. I am not sure whether is it a unique side or not. Hehehe People around me say that I am flat. Flat face or poker face, not good at expressing feelings. Sometimes, I don't understand why they say like that. I feel that all this time I make an... Continue Reading →

Future me as an elder

Today’s topic is about what kind of elderly I will be in the future. It’s a difficult topic because I don’t really imagine myself as an elder. It’s still a long journey, right? I don’t have a specific kind of elder I want to be. But, I will tell my wishes in the future as... Continue Reading →

It’s not a goal, but a wish

Antoine de Saint Exupery said a goal without a plan is just a wish. So, these are my wishes because I don’t have plans to make it happen. I wish that the future me would have a meaningful life and do many things I’d love. Everything that I would do in the future should be... Continue Reading →

Places I wanna visit in every country

Today's topic is place i wanna visit the most. Wait, let me think. Mmm... I don't have any specific place that I wanna visit the most. But, let me write about places that I wanna visit in every country or city. First, I wanna visit library. Why library? Mmm... I like spaces between shelves, smell... Continue Reading →

People call it as a turning point

What is turning point? Is it naturally happens like fate in our life or made by us? Does turning point happen in everybody’s life? Or is it only happen in great person’s life? Is turning point about our meaning to certain life event? Or is it just a big life event in our life without... Continue Reading →

Dream Job

When I was a child, my hobby was reading books. Yeps, when I was a child. Then, how about my hobby now? Hehehe, I don’t know, maybe watching movies and drawing. Today’s topic is about childhood dream job and the reason I told you about my childhood hobby is most of my dream jobs were... Continue Reading →

Predictable taste of food

I am a picky eater. I always eat food that I used to eat. I don’t like trying new food especially food with strange and smelly ingredients. I have a habit to smell my food and analyze what kind of ingredients used on it. There were times when I treed to eat new food, some... Continue Reading →

Family as socialization agent

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Family is defined as two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who reside together. Based on Berns (2013) there are certain family basic functions including reproduction, socialization/education, assignment of social roles, economic support, nurturance/emotional support. In this post, I’ll explore more about family function in nurturance. As... Continue Reading →

Loneliness: Is it a gift or a curse?

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com Loneliness is not a negative emotion or embarrassing experience. It’s normal for being lonely because loneliness makes you more like a human being. Sometimes, when you’re being lonely you could achieve deeper self-awareness, a time to be creative, and an opportunity to attain self-fulfillment and to explore the meaning of... Continue Reading →

Crush? No, It’s a Crash

What's wrong with today's topic. Honestly, i wanted to refuse to write today's topic. Crush? I won't let the world know if i have a crush because i hate myself when I have a crush on someone. I hate when i am doing silly things, write a love letter, or have a gloomy day because... Continue Reading →

Dream House: A place where dreams begin

I always dreaming about my future house since childhood. Sometimes, I made a sketch of my dream house and imagined the color of the walls, the tile pattern in every room, flowers or vegetables I should grow on the yard. My future house should be a place where I can do many things that’ll make... Continue Reading →

Sorry, It’s not about LOVE

Photo by Shamia Casiano on Pexels.com Can I say this? I hate the topic of love. Am I unloved? No, I am sure many people out there love me. Mmmm… I didn’t know what should I write about this topic. Previously I wanted to make this post as scientific as possible, but ewwwwrrr I was... Continue Reading →

All I can see is beauty

There is French phrase L’heure entre chien et loup which means The hour between dog and wolf or Time between dog and wolf. Some articles I read said that phrase referring to dusk hour. When the sky darkens you can’t distinguish whether is it a friendly dog or vicious wolf. The sky gets burn into... Continue Reading →

My Backyard

Today’s topic is about childhood. It’s kind of sensitive topic for me. If I miss my childhood or I try to bring my childhood memory back then it’s mean that I am in bad situation. Some of my childhood memories give me bad vibe or make my day gloomy. So, I’ll just make it short... Continue Reading →

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